Podcast Drop Date: 6/28/23
In this episode, Dr. Holthouse is excited to announce the next level of precision medicine where high-tech and high-touch unite! After years of extensive research, Dr. Holthouse has designed an innovative program that revolutionizes the way we approach aging. Based on the 9 Pillars of Aging, the new Precision Age Reversal (PAR-1) Program has been brought to life and it is only available at Renew Institute.
Do you want to live longer and better? Introducing breakthroughs in age reversal with the brand new Precision Age Reversal program designed by Renew Institute's Dr. Mark Holthouse. Become the CEO of your own health by understanding age and actively reversing it. Precision Age Reversal is available solely at Renew Institute. To learn more, click here.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Welcome to the Functional Medicine Foundations podcast, where we explore root cause medicine, engage in conversation with functional and integrative medicine experts, and build community with like minded health seekers. I'm your host, Amber Warren. Let's dig deeper. All right. Welcome back, everybody. I'm back here with Dr. Holthouse for maybe our third or fourth episode together. Who's counting? Who's counting? Um, so with over 34 years of practical practice experience, Dr. Mark Holthouse is a globally recognized expert, mentor and professional educator in both men and women's hormone optimization. This includes bioidentical hormone replacement with injectables, topicals, and pelleting. Um, he's also an expert with other hormones thyroid adrenal gland, insulin imbalances and beyond hormone expertise. Dr. Holthouse is certified in peptide therapy and has been on the teaching faculty at Loma Linda University School of Medicine for over ten years. Teaching preventable prevention I'm sorry, Preventative cardiology reversing and preventing heart disease, prediabetes, Type two diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high or sorry, optimizing body composition and an expert in sustained weight loss. Additionally, Dr. Holthouse is highly experienced in managing environmental medicine with toxins, autoimmunity, gut, health and general functional medicine. Welcome back.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: Glad to be here.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Glad to be here.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: So always fun.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Today. I'm really excited to announce. Really it's been your your project that you've been working on for several months, honestly, years now with what you've been studying, it's your new release and rollout of your age optimization Precision Medicine program.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: It's exciting. You know, I've read a few books of late, you know, listening to a few podcast with David Sinclair and some other people that have really been in this their whole career since the 90s. And what's what's really cool is that it's culmination of the functional medicine root cause lifestyle approach. Combining it with the technology, the advances in cell molecular biology, genetics and imaging that have just taken off in the last few years. So yeah, I'm really jazzed to to lay this out.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Yeah, really exciting. So let's just start with talking about the nine pillars of age reversal. And I know you have them all memorized too, so let's, let's, let's hear them throw them at us.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: Cruel woman. So yeah, so, you know, they talk about nine pillars in the literature. Some people have made it ten just to round it up. Mark Hyman's new book talks about the ten pillars of aging. And really what it's coming down to is just understanding from a cellular level what's going on. You know, nobody wants to live longer if they don't live better. You know, I always have my my a lot of my guy patients will say, well, you know, Doc, you're going to have to die from something. Right? Did you learn that in med school? And I was like, Right, yeah. So I was talking about lifespan and we're really talking about healthspan and biologic age with this concept. So the idea is to prolong the number of good years to as long as possible, and then you kind of buy it, you know, you're done, but you've, you've been fully engaged. You're not just an observer. You're a participant in your own life and your great grandkids lives till the till the very end. And staying vital is really what we're talking about with age reversal. It's also the concept of avoiding chronic diseases, which you're making up really the top ten causes of death in this country in most developed countries. So I'm looking at this from a big perspective, right? We can get into the weeds with these nine causes. Some of the things that they talk about have to do with hormone dysregulation and nutrient sensing.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: Those of you who have read about mTOR and AMP kinase and sirtuin one genes of longevity, insulin resistance, these are the the vocabulary that's being used out there to really discuss how food and hormones, our environment are all interacting with our cells and our biology to either accelerate aging with things like prediabetes and full on type two diabetes or not. You have to look at the chemical, toxic burden and other things that play into hormone dysregulation. So nutrient sensing hormone dysregulation is huge, and that's really hallmark to where we start because so many people are pre-diabetic, so many people are carrying extra weight. So they have this cardio metabolic disease, cardio heart, metabolic, meaning your metabolism, you're utilizing the food you eat, making energy, turning it into something that is is going to prevent you from aging prematurely. The other categories are really things that you might have thought of, like DNA damage, mutations that occur. I mean, our cells are dividing constantly trillions of cells. And with each division, there is a finite number of cell divisions that can occur. It's actually got a number. They've got a name for that. And with that, you have increases in the chances of errors. And the longer we've been around, the older the organism is, the more likely those mistakes are to be replicated and perpetrated in the DNA. You know, the the daughter cells, protein misfolding is one that not everyone just thinks of right at the top of their head, but really dysfunctional processing of proteins within the cell mechanisms that take your newly transcribed DNA derived proteins and process them in the different organelles within the cell endoplasmic reticulum and some of these other areas where you get errors made.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: And if they get misfolded, these proteins are three dimensional, right? And so our receptors and our functional, our structural proteins, when they get altered in function, they become less effective. They just don't work very well. And these proteins are what we talk about with peptides. They're making up all these cell signaling molecules, so they're pretty doggone important. Another concept is that of stem cell exhaustion. We're all born with stem cells, which are these cells that remain through our lives ready to go fight the battle where the fight needs to be. So they're what we call pluripotential or the ability they've maintained this youthful ability to kind of go and de-differentiate or differentiate in this case to an organ, you know, to a part of your tongue, a part of your toe, a part of your knee, a part of an organ system. And as we get older, these stem cells, these cells in waiting, if you will, at the ready, become exhausted. And we don't have as many of them around. So it's not an indefinite supply epigenetics, which.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: She is really the exposome we call it. Everything from the time we're conceived in utero until now, till our lives currently are unfolding with every relationship, with every food molecule that we put in our bodies, causing inflammation, inhibiting inflammation, toxic relationships, uplifting relationships, all of these things play a role. Our toxin exposure, eating organic versus eating non-organic, all these epigenetic exposures from the outside acting on our DNA are inherited book of life and giving us what we call a phenotype, an expression of what that gene and that DNA that we've inherited is going to look like in our in our lives. This is part of of these pillars that they talk about. Some of the other pillars have to do with zombie cells. We call them cells that go into senescence or kind of early retirement. And they're really kind of ambivalent there. They don't have the decency to take themselves out and they're not really pulling their own weight anymore. So the process of programed cell death of apoptosis doesn't occur. So they're sitting there, they're not checked out. They're not killing themselves, pulling the kill button, but yet they're not dividing anymore. They're in this sense of stasis. We call these zombie cells because they kind of walk around like zombies in the body. They're not just content with spewing inflammation and being pro oxidative and causing general anarchy themselves. They actually go and find stem cells.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: These guys we were just talking about, and they buddy up to them and they convert them into being zombies, form a gang. They form a gang. And so then they become inflammatory. They damage our mitochondria and they damage our our energy, our vital vitality. They damage our antioxidative mechanisms. Mitochondrial dysfunction is another pillar. Mitochondria, as you guys know, is kind of the Duracell battery of the cell. And in fourth grade we all drew that little picture and it looked kind of like a bacteria, which probably originally came from. We have thousands of these in cells, certain cells in the brain and the cardiomyocytes in the heart are even more dense. Our brown fat is brown because it's got a higher density of mitochondria. Our white fat has very few mitochondria, so it doesn't do a lot as far as being metabolically active and burning and making energy ATP. So when our mitochondria are Duracell battery of the cell are in trouble, dysfunctional. We get into problems with things like type two diabetes where the pancreas can't make enough insulin. Mitochondrial problems in this little pancreatic islet cell that can no longer make the right hormones. A lot of our sex steroid hormones are made in the mitochondria, in the inner, inner part of that. And so the mitochondria has such an active role with everything you think of the immune system, neuro neurological health, with neuroplasticity, you can really.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Track down a lot of dysfunction and disease and trace it back to dysfunctional mitochondria.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: Oh my goodness. Yeah. Whether it's whether it's I'm chronically fatigued, I can't my sustained attention is awful. I can't focus. How many people do we hear each day that say they have brain fog? Yeah. You know, incredibly a couple other pillars here getting near cell communication. Cell communication is is one where the cells over time lose the ability to connect and network and communicate effectively. A lot of this has to do with microtubules and things in the extracellular matrix that involve movement and communication of cells and the jobs that they have to do. Probably the biggest doozy of them all, however, is is inflammation. I want to talk about one before I get to that, because that that one deserves more time. Telomere shortening. Telomere shortening is I talk about it being the little plastic tips on the end of your shoelaces only these are the little protective caps on the ends of your DNA. And every time the cell divides, these get a little bit shorter and a little bit more unraveled. And we can look at people's telomere length. These are all things you can measure now to get an idea of their actual health age. This is one of the first things that's come out in cell aging that we could actually look at in a test. And there's so much more now with things like DNA methylation, with immune aging, with the Stanford study, with the age tests that we can do, that's that's really put telomere aging even in the back seat a little bit. And then, yeah, inflammaging inflammation is probably the leading cause of premature aging and it's really associated with and drives. The other nine that we talked about. So it's diet, its chemicals, it's toxic relationships. It's everything in that exposed home. It's autoimmune disease. It's periodontitis gingivitis. The oral systemic connection.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Osteoarthritis.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: Yes. Yes. No one talks about bone loss and and and arthritis necessarily having this inflammatory relationship. When you think about osteoporosis, you think about drinking milk, which is the worst thing you can do for for building bone. But we're looking at inflammation now in the context of driving other chronic diseases like type two diabetes, dementia, arthritis and heart disease and stroke. So those are the 9 or 10 I think I got. I think.
Amber Warren, PA-C: You hit nine.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: Most of them. Really good job. Hopefully we won't get too many responses.
Amber Warren, PA-C: It was only eight there. You have to come see him to get all nine. We were kind of joking beforehand. No, you hit nine. So I know our programs. I mean, we offer some really incredible programs at the Renew Institute that do a lot of what we just talked about. But this one is so unique. I don't want anyone to think that this is just like, Oh yeah, add it to, you know, the optimal man or radiant woman or some of the weight loss programs that we have out there. This one is it's high touch, it's high tech. It even just includes this new word that I've heard you talk so much about precision medicine. Right? This is like next level. This is like functional medicine, although it still delivers. It's kind of a term of the past. Yeah. So tell us more about that. What what is this precision medicine that you're you're going to deliver?
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: Thank you. I love that question because this is this is passionate. I've been doing this for about 17 years in the functional medicine space. And so much of what we have done doesn't have a lot of peer reviewed data. And being a science evidence based kind of geek nerd dude, that's really been hard on me. What's nice about this new technology that's coming out with cell molecular biology and genetics is that we can actually have objective, measurable starting points and we can see where the needle has been moved. There's a delta there, there's a change there. And, you know, in the past it was more like, hey, trust me, I've been doing this a while. Take my word on this. This is going to help you. Whereas now we can actually look at somebody's actual DNA methylation, biologic health age. Yeah. And we can do things, action items, actual things that can be done. And then we can recheck these same parameters and you can see objective data of what we're doing with the person as our teammate, how it's literally changing their life. The high tech part is just that. It's the new develops and developments in cell molecular biology. It's the advanced imaging that's out there now, not just whole body MRI, but some of this amazing total plaque scanning that you and I have been talking about.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Holy cow. It's next level. Yeah, that's like an understatement, right?
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: For the first time, we can really, in a noninvasive way, measure soft plaque in the in the coronary arteries, not just the calcified plaque that we see on a coronary artery calcium score, which is that safe older plaque that's actually stable. It's the soft new young plaque we've never really been able to measure without doing something like an intravascular ultrasound.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Which is dangerous, dangerous. It has risks, has risks to it, lots of risks.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: So these these kinds of things where you can actually measure what's going on at the level of the DNA, look at the anatomy and look at biological aging from the immune cells, the cytokines, the chemokines, these modulators of our immune system. They now the Stanford study I alluded to earlier with this AI age test has the ability to correlate at a very statistically high level with fragility, cardiometabolic disease and early death based on a single chemokine, which is something made by your your immune cells. To be able to look at that and not just say, oh, that's a generic CRP, C-reactive protein or said rate measuring generic levels of inflammation is pretty exciting. Yeah. So there's the high tech, the high touch. We don't want to lose where we came from, right? Functional medicine is a whole person discipline. And what I mean by that is we don't want to forget the human experience. So many studies have been done in medicine and people don't really care about what you know, They don't care about competency as much as listening, listening to them, hearing their story, hearing what's worked for them as a personal experience, what hasn't, as opposed to just pushing an agenda. So never forgetting that that person has lived in their body their whole life. And that's a profound statement. Right. And and. And honoring that and embracing the fact that their experience, their diet, their movement program, their exercise, their relationships, their dietary habits, their sleep habits, what are their tools for managing the stress in this crazy world right now? All matter. And if you don't look at that good functional lifestyle root cause piece, what brought them to this point with the high tech stuff, it's all for naught. It's just a bunch of information.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Well, what are we still hear from our patients? I saw a woman today who was diagnosed with leukemia a year later, and she just said over the past year, it's just been nothing about diet, lifestyle. It's just all more medications, more medications, more medications, and never really the why of how she came to be the diagnosis and how we eventually get her to heal. And so I think we if we really listen to our patients, the complaints are still I don't get the time and I don't get the answers. I don't get I don't get the why behind why I'm going to do something. Yeah, it's just it's it's we haven't come really far and spending more time and giving more answers and explaining more things to our patients.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: Disease management versus a proactive health care. I think the precision word comes into play. It's relevant to me because precision connotates objectivity. Yeah. As opposed to the subjectivity which in which we've had to operate historically in functional medicine. So to have data showing that what you're doing actually is, is doing what you're saying it's going to do. Yeah, that's, that's another level.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Well, it's like you're getting the best of both worlds. Anecdotally, we know what works for our patients. We've been doing this long enough, you especially, we know how to get the outcomes and we know we're going to get the outcomes. But you're right, there's so much benefit that comes from proving to the patient, Oh yeah, look what you're doing to reverse age. Look what you're doing to reverse plaque formation. You reversed plaque formation that there's so much power that comes from that and giving that, you know, initiative back to your patient in that high five buy in. Yeah, buy in.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: It's just buying, right? And if I can show somebody their vascular age at 30, is that of a 40 year old or a 60 year old and that in a year after doing things with antioxidants, nitric oxide support and using food as medicine and some other particulars, we can actually bring that vascular age back that is bringing their health age back out there. And really the goal is to make it so your your biologic age and your health age are both getting extended. But the health age being the quality aspect of that is is huge. I see a day where people are going to be living routinely to, you know, beyond 100, 105, 110, 115, 120 years of age in the near future. But they're going to be doing so not in a decrepit, frail way. They're going to be doing so as if they were 60 or 70 into those late years. Their centenarians now that are doing and implementing that we've studied in the blue zones and some of these others studies that have gone on. So we now know what is the common thread. And that's where a lot of this research has come from, from these pillars of aging. What are people doing that are getting it right? You all know the you know, the uncle that wakes up and drinks vodka and skips breakfast and smokes like a fiend never is exercised a day in his life, cusses like a sailor. And, you know, everybody just, oh, they're toxic. Can't be around. And they, you know, they live to be right. So there is something to be said, certainly for genetics. Yeah. But all this other stuff has a huge impact.
Renew Institute: Do you want to live longer and better? Introducing breakthroughs in age reversal with the brand new Precision Age reversal program designed by Renew Institute's Dr. Mark Holthouse, Become the CEO of your own health by Understanding age and actively reversing it. Precision Age reversal is available solely at Renew Institute. To learn more, go to renew institute.com/precision.
Amber Warren, PA-C: So on the topic of genetics, I'm personally intrigued by this new genetic test you're going to be rolling out in this program, the three by three by four genetics. Can you can you touch on that one a little?
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: Yeah. You know, when we started looking at genomics and genetics years ago, a lot of us in functional medicine were just utterly overwhelmed by the data. You know, you'd get something this thick, 1500 pages of data summarized with a few sheets on top. And the patients, you know, it kind of had the promise of being like a laser who, you know, don't cut the hemorrhoids, laser them out. Well, it's still traumatic. It's the same kind of buzzwords, right? Oh, it's genetics. And it sounds so sexy. And the pragmatic, the pragmatism of that was lost right away when we realized the applicable take home. What can I do today? How did I get to hemorrhoids? I can't believe it. But anyway, terrible analogy. What can I do today? I see the end of the day. Right? Podcast. What can I do today that's actionable, that's pragmatic, that's practical. It wasn't a lie. And so I'm of the mind now that I don't want to deal with that unless I have a report that is broken this down, dumbed it down for me and said, Look, you have challenges in these different areas. Here's where you need to be focusing on micronutrients. Here's what you need to be focusing on exercise and nutrition. Oh, by the way, you're not going to detox Well, and don't over methylate this person with the wrong folate, folic acid supporting and pushing that pathway because you're just going to make this person more anxious and hyper methylate them. So there's an objectivity, there's a precision to the three by four genetics. And the report is wonderful. It's it's all these wonderful colors, which always impresses me and it's well laid out so that it's something literally my patients can read and follow. I'm there to kind of help guide and prioritize these. But the reports now have become actionable and they're not to the point where you're completely overwhelmed.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Right. And we now have an amazing new registered dietitian who's going to walk us through this from a nutritional aspect, how we get our foods to interact with our our genes for the best outcomes, which I'm really excited to be working with her.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: Yeah. Yeah. The Renew program is going to have in particular this program we've got now dietitians that are going to have a broad scope where they can help look at the GI microbiome, the stool testing, we can look at the DNA methylation patterns, we can look at things like the food sensitivity panels, the food allergies, along with the genetics. And yeah, we'll talk about exercise and macronutrients a little bit as well, but they can actually deliver a really personalized approach using all this new data. And so it's so much more than just giving you a handout and saying, here's your your altered food pyramid that.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Or just giving you seven supplements.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: Right?
Amber Warren, PA-C: Like here's like and not and again, not explaining the why or not being able to implement and apply what you learn about your genes to every aspect of your life. Sleep and stress management and relaxation techniques and exercise and nutrition and how you function most efficiently. So that's where I'm excited about kind of the implementation of what we're learning about genetic testing. And yeah, you know, we.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: Talk, we talk about kind of the seven core imbalances in the matrix of functional medicine. And on the bottom of that page is all these therapeutic lifestyle changes and what it's doing really three by four genetics and what these foods are going to be able to do is really take that and personalize it. So it's not just this generic eat more plants, not too much. You know, I love I love Michael Pollan, though. Right? Right. Eat What does he eat? Plants, eat. Eat real food. Not too much. Too much. Yeah. Most things that are worthwhile remembering in life are profoundly simple. And we really try to get into nutritionism and make it really, really complicated. So no one wants to even try. Yeah. So I'm excited. I think this is going to bring a real personal approach.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Yeah, you touched on this a little bit and I've been been really kind of dumbfounded. I think being in my late 30s, getting into her 40s, realizing and like reading Peter Attia's book to his longevity book and looking at some of his work, he it's such a reminder that the work we do now in our 30s, early 40s, it really does matter. It plays into as we age and as we start to get into those higher age years where we really need to think about these chronic diseases and cancer and cardiovascular disease and things like Alzheimer's and dementia. And so that's where I think it's hit me the most. Like, yeah, I mean, I think I do a really good job. I hope I do a good job. But it's it's really important when you start to look at longevity and living a long, healthy life. Feeling good throughout that long life.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: And it's got to be celebrated while we're doing it. If we're not having fun doing this stuff, why are we doing it? You know, so I always tell my patients, you know, fanatics are boring. I don't want to be around them. They're really they're really a buzzkill. I'd rather be around people that are looking at doing the best they can with information. So this is all just information. Knowledge is power.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Well, and that's what it comes down to, right? Like even just talking about the ApoE gene marker where you can look at someone's risk for for Alzheimer's, dementia, that's I have so many patients that are like, heck, no, that'll drive anxiety. And I get that and I respect that. But at the same time, then you know where to put your efforts. Like you're saying, we want to have an enjoyable time. If I know where my DNA is interacting poorly or how I can optimize certain things, I know what's worth it to maybe not consume, to consume, to the ways to exercise, not exercise. Then that then I'm able to kind of pinpoint my life and then live life in a much more enjoyable way. You know.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: My dad's story a little bit, you know, he's he's kind of this elite athlete. He's got no risk factors for anything. And he has this this stroke. And I'm watching him on the podium signing autographs and he's getting a facial droop. And long story short, he gets this MRI. He has a little frontal lobe stroke. And the neurologist put him on his his Plavix, his aspirin and his Crestor and said, have a nice day. I don't know why you had it. So we get him. We do advanced cardiovascular testing. We found out he's got this inherited genetic subtype of LDL LP Little A, which is an incredibly high risk for stroke and heart attack.
Amber Warren, PA-C: And and we think 1 in 5 people have this. This is not rare but the cardiologist still aren't running this test.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: Yeah, it's.
Amber Warren, PA-C: It's I'm sorry.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: I digress. No, it's we're passionate about this. It's, you know, so that's something that's really relevant. So because of that, I go get a blood test. Guess who's high?
Amber Warren, PA-C: Yeah, I'm high, too. Are you my dad's high? My whole family? Yeah, we all have it. Like three, 400 history.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: Yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah. So?
Amber Warren, PA-C: Well, let's not react like that. Well, wow.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: Mine's high, too. So no judgment. So. So we have people that are doing all these good things, eating. You and I, we're just as examples, exercising. We're doing all these things, you know, we're trying to manage our stress only to find out that there's something that's completely unrelated to anything we could do. Volitionally. Yeah, that's totally genetic, right? That there are things we can do to actually lower that and dramatically reduce our risk. Knowledge is power. You know, I have Alzheimer's in my family. My grandfather had it, and I was really happy to see my ApoE was okay, good. You know, it's not the only risk factor, but knowing that will help me determine, hey, what kind of diet should you be on? Are saturated fats going to be a problem for you where, you know, I don't worry too much about that as long as it's not in excess when you don't have that. People always ask me, is caffeine bad? I said, It depends on your genetics, you know? So, yeah, knowledge is definitely power. I always say fanaticism steals your joy. We get most of our joy with sharing and community around food. Yeah. So it's really important to not make food a drag. Food still has to be all of those wonderful, fulfilling, community oriented things. But man, let's let's not go with the default, which is everything in the grocery store. You look around you and go, you know, except for the meat and produce aisle, everything out here is kind of crap, you know, And that's really as complex as it needs to be. So we always emphasize here that 80 over 20 rule of doing the right thing that way, 80% of time, you're probably going to pull it off. Yeah. So this program is really just taking the tech and going to the next level. Yeah, it's holding us as providers accountable for what we're offering and what we're having. People engage and spend their resources on to do to say, Hey, this is making a difference. This is a measurable, actionable, precision approach to lifestyle medicine using this new data.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Amazing. So who's we can end with this? Who's the ideal candidate?
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: The ideal candidate for this new program is somebody that values their health, who's all in who is totally sold out on doing everything they can to have the best quality, the best version of themselves. This program is not for somebody who's just looking for the next bright, shiny object, quick fix, you know, quick fix, although you will see quick turnaround, I think, on some of these objective markers. That's what's so engaging and you get the buy in from. It's really for people that are in this for the long haul. People that are in their 20s through their 60s are looking at. Not only living a long time, but wanting to live a long time because they feel amazing. They feel fully they're fully engaged, fully vital. They are not suffering from pain and they're not suffering from diseases, most of which are completely avoidable on 15 different prescriptions, bankrupting their savings they've worked their whole lives for. I want these people out traveling in their Winnebagos or whatever they're called now, and I want them out having a good time, not sprinter vans.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Come on. They're not Winnebago sprinter vans. Where you been?
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: My age, man. So sprinter vans are really cool, but I want people in them traveling the world and not traveling back and forth to their doctors and their pharmacists, you know, and that's really what this new program is, is after people have all kinds of things that they perceive as value in their lives. And that's their checkbook shows that when you read through their register, we're hoping that people will put their health, their family, their future at the top of that list with this program. And we're looking for folks that are really eager and willing to be team members, team players in this, because this is a team approach. This is a team sport. This is not me pontificating and wagging my finger. This is a high level, high tech, high touch approach to optimizing health and not simply managing your diseases until you need a prescription. That is not why I went into medicine.
Amber Warren, PA-C: That's a really good way to end. So I'm lying. I'm actually not done yet. You know, I like to end each one of my interviews with and I think this will actually be I'm really excited to hear this answer. Um, with in this topic of conversation, precision medicine, age reversal, what is one, one aspect or one piece of advice you can give our listeners that can move the needle the most on what we just got done? Talking about if they can go home and implement something tonight that will change their cell turnover and change their ability to prevent disease.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: So I'm not going to give you one because, you know, I can never do that, but I'm going to give you a theme. Eight hours of sleep.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Love it.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: And hug your significant other often.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Love it.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: Buy a pet. There's data. Owning a cat lowers your blood pressure.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Or a dog. He's a cat guy.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: I just got a kitten. I am. I am. Winston is awesome. He's an awesome male kitty cat.
Amber Warren, PA-C: And do you take him on walks?
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: No, we do have a harness for him. But people in the neighborhood start talking when they see me walking him on a leash. And eat lots of plants.
Amber Warren, PA-C: I love it.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: Lean, clean protein and lots of plants. Hug your wife. Hug your spouse, your significant others. Um. Be grateful. Be grateful every day. Sometimes it's harder to make that list than others. But force yourself to do it. It's a whole lot more than one.
Amber Warren, PA-C: I know, but it was good. But those are. Those are easily implementable things that people can do, you know, in the next 24 hours. So thank you, Doctor Holthouse. So very welcome. I know your waitlist is open for this program, so I actually been looking forward to the day I can say this. Click the link below for the waitlist. It'll be there somewhere. But yeah, we're really excited for this program to roll out and for us to start seeing these unbelievable outcomes. So thank you for your time as always, A pleasure.
Dr. Mark Holthouse, MD: Honored. Thank you all.
Amber Warren, PA-C: Thank you for listening to the Functional Medicine Foundations Podcast. For more information on topics covered today, programs offered at Renew Institute and the highest quality of supplements and more go to fundmedfoundations.com.