Unlocking Vitality with NAD+ IV Therapy
NAD+ IV Therapy can help you regain energy, promote healthy brain function/concentration, improve mood, lose weight more effectively, regenerate cells and more! At FMI CENTER FOR OPTIMAL HEALTH we find that addressing scavenger pathways and precursors to NAD+ profoundly affect how well and how long the benefits of IV NAD+ will be. This leads to a more comprehensive and optimal IV Therapy experience. Boosting NAD+ can aid in helping restore your natural levels to enhance your physical and mental wellbeing! The beneficial effects can last 4-14 days.
What can NAD+ infusion therapy help with?
NAD+ infusion therapy may promote healthier aging, athletic performance and recovery, immunity, reduce fatigue and can help several mental illnesses, including substance abuse disorders, mood disorders, anxiety, and PTSD. It can also support Lyme disease due to its ability to aid enzymatic functions. We also use it to aid with hormone optimization and glucose metabolism.
How does NAD+ help with aging?
Restorative processes depend on NAD+, and shortages can cause problems such as metabolic decline, cognitive issues, and a lowered immune system. An NAD+ infusion may counteract this, preventing issues before they arise. It may also help protect your neurons against the effects of neurodegenerative diseases.
How does NAD+ help with mental illnesses?
NAD+ is necessary for optimal mental health and recovery. NAD+ protects your neurons from damage, and may improve your cognitive function and mental clarity. It also may combat stress, fatigue, exhaustion, and a lack of motivation.
NAD+ is especially helpful for those with a substance abuse disorder, because it often decreases cravings and discomfort during the detox process.
NAD 250 MG $299 per infusion or $1,439 for 6 package plan - Save $355
NAD 500 MG $349 per infusion or $1,679 for 6 package plan - Save $415
NAD 750 MG $449 per infusion or $2,199 for 6 package plan - Save $495
Call (208) 385-7711 ext. 302 to book your NAD+ IV Therapy sessions!
What is NAD+?NAD+ is derived from vitamin B3. NAD+ is a coenzyme found in all living cells. It’s responsible for transferring electrons and hydrogen in the Krebs cycle, making it a vital component for producing all of the energy your body uses. It’s involved in over 100 metabolic processes, and is considered one of the most essential building blocks for life. Unfortunately, NAD+ levels decrease as you age and in response to psychological illnesses. This negatively impacts your health in many ways.
What is the recommended course?We recommend that you undergo infusions daily for 4 to 10 days, depending on your state of health. We will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan.
Are there any possible side effects from IV Therapy?During the infusion, NAD+ can cause side effects such as nausea, brain fog, cramping, and muscle fatigue. However, these can often be relieved through slowing the IV drip.
Do you need a referral for NAD+ IV Therapy?We require that you consult with one of our providers if you have not been directly referred to our center by another knowledgeable provider that has accomplished the proper labs and preparations for a sustained and maximal effect. Giving IV NAD+ alone, without the proper additional steps, may be far less effective and may be less well tolerated.
Can I drive home after receiving NAD+ IV Therapy?Yes. There aren’t any lasting amnesiac or psychoactive effects of the infusion, so it’s safe to drive home afterward.
Can I eat and/or drink prior to my infusion?You can eat and drink before your infusion, although eating junk food is not recommended.
How are NAD+ infusions different from NAD+ supplements?Raising your NAD+ levels through supplements may not be as effective as through an infusion. Digestion is a problem for NAD+, because the substance is hard for the stomach to break down, making it less bioavailable. By bypassing the intestinal tract, the body is able to fully take in and utilize the NAD+ being administered. Infusions are especially recommended for those trying to have a more comfortable aging process, those with fatigue, those who are planning to detox, or who suffer from mental illnesses.
Is NAD+ Infusion Therapy safe?NAD+ infusion therapy is a safe treatment option. It’s a natural substance used in the body and is readily incorporated.
How does the Natural Sculpt treatment work?Natural Sculpt uses laser energy under the skin to gently loosen fat from problem areas such as the abdomen, hips, flanks, and thighs. The live harvested fat cells are then injected into areas where volume has been lost.
Will I need to take time off from work after my Natural Sculpt treatment?That depends on the volume you seek to remove and restore. For smaller cases, such as full-face volumization, patients may experience a mild degree of swelling, bruising, and soreness for 24-48 hours. None of this should prevent you from resuming daily activities the next day if desired.
How does Natural Sculpt differ from other fat transfer procedures?The key distinction lies in how the fat is harvested. Unlike other methods that often destroy or discard fat, Natural Sculpt preserves fat for reimplantation. This is achieved through a proprietary laser instrument that extracts the highest quantity and quality of live fat cells. In clinical studies, patients who underwent fat harvesting with Natural Sculpt reported over 90% fat cell viability. The higher the percentage of live cells, the greater the likelihood of cell survival post-reimplantation.
How many treatments will I need?The transfer of fat cells can be performed in one treatment, and you can expect to see an immediate difference right away. Most patients see an improvement that lasts for years.
How long will the treatment take?This will depend on the amount of volume you seek to remove and restore. Speak with your Natural Sculpt provider to personalize the procedure to your expectation.
Is the Natural Sculpt treatment painful?Not at all! This outpatient procedure is performed under local anesthetics, which eliminates the risks associated with using general anesthesia. Additionally, the Natural Sculpt laser's energy provides the added benefit of less bruising and swelling that's often seen with other fat harvesting methods.
How Often Should I Have A Session?For best results, we recommend a series of regular sessions over a one-off approach. This allows your body more opportunities to enter a parasympathetic state, aiding in its ability to reset and repair. We suggest a minimum of three sessions, with at least three days between each session. Ideally, schedule one session per week. There is no limit to the number of sessions you can have.
How Does Flowpresso® Work?Cyclic Pneumatic Compression: This innovative technique delivers targeted compression to various body areas, stimulating natural flow and aiding in the release of toxins. Far-Infrared Heat: By gently enveloping the body in soothing warmth, this therapy promotes relaxation, supports better sleep, and enhances overall health, creating an environment conducive to healing and balance restoration. Deep-Pressure Therapy: Mimicking the sensation of a comforting hug, this aspect of the massage induces deep relaxation, helping the body shed the burdens of daily stress and tension.
How Can I Best Prepare For My Session?Attire: Please wear long sleeves and full-length trousers for your session, as you will remain fully clothed. Loose-fitting clothing is recommended for comfort. Preparation: Refrain from applying lotions, oils, creams, or perfumes before your session to ensure optimal results. Hydration: Drink plenty of water, approximately six to eight glasses, before and after each session to support your body's detoxification process.
What Are Potential Side Effects?Lymphatic Flow Massage promotes your body's natural healing abilities and is generally free of harmful side effects. You may experience an increase in bladder and/or bowel activity or a minor detox reaction as toxins are eliminated. The most common detox symptom is a slight headache. To minimize these effects, stay hydrated and maintain your water intake before and after your session.
What Are Aftercare Recommendations?Continue to hydrate by drinking six to eight glasses of water before and after each session to assist your body's detoxification process.
Who Should Avoid Flowpresso®?Flowpresso® may not be suitable for individuals with the following conditions: Acute inflammation (e.g., phlebitis and thrombosis) Complications from infections (e.g., ulcers) Pregnancy Back or hip issues (unless approved by a physician) Broken bones Abdominal spinal curvature Congestive heart failure It's important to consult with a healthcare professional before undergoing this treatment to ensure it's safe for your specific situation.
Call (208) 385-7711 ext. 302
to book your NAD+ IV Therapy sessions!