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Thyroid Thermography is a vital part of a preventative thyroid health program for anyone who wants a proactive, risk management thyroid care strategy. Anyone desiring a risk-free, painless procedure, to screen for thyroid health is a candidate for Thyroid Thermography.




Call 208-314-1130 to schedule a
Thyroid Thermography appointment!



What is Thyroid Thermography?

Thyroid Screening is an important part of everyone’s wellness. We use Thyroid Thermography to help detect early signs of thyroid tissue abnormalities. Thyroid Thermography is:

  • Painless

  • Radiation and Touch Free

  • FDA approved as an adjunct to ultrasound


Advantages to Thyroid Thermography screening

  • Does not compress or touch thyroid tissue

  • Is safe, easy, pain free, and radiation free

  • Detects changes in thyroid tissue that accompany abnormalities

  • Images the entire thyroid area

  • Differentiates between benign and malignant thyroid cysts

  • Safely screens thyroid tissue that has had previous biopsies or surgeries

  • Is safe and reliable for nursing mothers

  • Gives opportunity for early intervention


What is the cost of Thyroid Thermography?

  • A 30 minute Thermography appointment is $249.00


What does Thyroid Thermography show?

The dense vascularization and superficial location of the thyroid gland enable an evaluation of its metabolic activity by high-resolution infrared imaging. Thermology can provide a valuable adjunctive modality that complements laboratory assessment of hormone levels and antibody titers, clinical examination and symptoms in the diagnosis of thyroid disorders, such as Hashimoto’s and Graves’ disease, goiter as well as thyroid cancer. Thermology findings are well correlated with clinical symptoms and provide an objective indication for laboratory determination of thyroid hormone levels and antibody titers.


Thermology also provides a simple and non-invasive means of screening cancer from benign thyroid cysts. The imaging process is completely passive (non-contact and non-radiation) and involves only a few images of the base of the neck. Thermography can also provide a useful monitor of the effectiveness of treatment programs for thyroid disorders. ​



Can a Thermography help diagnose thyroid cancer?

Thyroid Thermography visually portrays physiologic changes in thyroid tissue that correlate with cancer. Thermography shows earliest detection of abnormal heat patterns. Thyroid cancer can only be diagnosed by microscopic examination of tissue by a pathologist. Although thermography can show patterns suggestive of possible cancer, thermography cannot diagnose cancer.


Are you at risk?

We recommend that anyone who has one or more risk factors below, get an annual Thyroid Thermogram. The American Cancer Society suggests the below:


Risk Factors That Can’t Be Changed:

Sex and Age:

  • Female and above the age of 40, men above age 60


Hereditary Conditions:

  • Medullary Thyroid Cancer Gene

  • Familial Adenomatous Polposis (FAP)

  • Cowden Disease

  • Carney Complex, Type 1

  • Familial Nonmedullary Thyriod Carcinoma

  • Family history of thyroid cancers


Risk Factors That Can Be Changed:

  • Radiation exposure

    • includes certain medical treatments and radiation fallout from power plant accidents or nuclear weapons

  • Obesity

  • Iodine in the Diet

    • Either too much or too little


Call 208-314-1130
to schedule a Thyroid

Thermography Appt!


Thyroid Thermography Location:

Functional Medicine of Idaho
3858 N. Garden Center Way, Suite 100
Boise, Idaho 83703


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Phone: (208) 609-9130 | Fax: (208) 268-8781

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